Sunday, 22 September 2013

Time factor - A reason for illness

Time is the vital factor

We are looking in to most fundamental reasons of disease. These are the reasons everyone can understand. Ayuerveda is a science for everyone. It is for common people and for scholars also.  Most of the literature is for prevention of a disease.
Till now we looked in to two fundamental reasons: over, no or wrong use of sense and motor organs and deliberate mistake. One more thing we will discuss briefly in this post is ‘time factor’.
Time factor has some sub-factors:
Age:    Age is related to the existence of the body.  There are many changes taking place in the body which are according to age.

            In early age of life disease are due to weak immune system, weak body and vulnerability for infections. In this age degenerative changes are not seen.
            There are certain conditions seen in young age only.  Similarly there is a condition like puberty. In these years boys and girls face different ups and downs mentally and physically. Acne, anorexia nervosa, etc such conditions are seen in peculiar age only. Obesity, PCOD, are the condition which make impact on life, start in young age only.
            There are many conditions which are related to aging. Menopause may be one of the important conditions which affect life very badly. One may say, it is not a disease but some people do need support of doctors and need really an effective management. There are various other conditions in men and women which are old age related.
Season: Season and climatic changes cause changes in the system. These changes induce or trigger some unrest.

            This is the condition which we see commonly in a routine life. Hey fever, Asthma in certain person is seasonal due to pollens and various allergens. But there are seasonal eruptions of diseases. When there is a change in season some get cough, cold, malaise, acidity and disturbances in appetite. Healthy people come out quickly but some people require treatment from a doctor. So the change in climate is an effective cause of disease.
Daily:  Changes in climate in a day also induce changes and some conditions in the body. There are changes in daily climate which may provoke certain disturbances in the body which may affect weak people. They may get cold in morning, burning in afternoon and dry or productive cough at night or early in morning.

            This is how the time factor affects normal body and mind producing diseases which are seen or experience in a time-frame. 
         It is necessary to know how to prevent sickness. Now we will elaborate on, how to use these factors discussed so far to prevent sickness.

1 comment:

  1. How can we remain in fairly good health under these conditions?
    Can you please suggest a daily diet?
    As far as I know Honey & Lime with warm water if taken daily in the morning will increase ones immunity in the long run.
    Some comments please.
