Friday 25 October 2013

Reasons for constipation

Constipation is a worldwide complaint and it is experienced in all ages and both the sexes. Market for new laxatives and purgatives is always there. New products are always launched. New formulas are introduced but really speaking, do we help the person or weaken the person? Do we ever give any thought to this question? Addressing to a basic problem like constipation properly is very much necessary. Chronic constipation causes acidity, headache, piles and disturbances in normal routine. Taking laxatives and purgatives weaken the muscles of large intestine and using strong purgatives becomes a habit. Finally nothing works. It is the most difficult condition to treat.

There was patient in the clinic and with complaint of lost taste sensation. Naturally he was investigated for many conditions and all reports were normal. Feeling no taste is one of the effects of chronic constipation. He was treated for constipation and after he was relieved of this long standing complaint. Large intestines have a large capacity to store garbage for a long time. But it is also overloaded sometimes.

As I said in last post it is a lifestyle disorder. One of the commonest cause is we do not respond to the natural call of nature. We try to postpone it to our convenient time. When we suppress the natural urge for evacuation of bowels we neglect it for some reason. Intestinal muscles and sphincter muscles get used to this when it becomes a habit. Then there is beginning of problem. Cleanliness of a toilet, unfamiliar place, travel, attending important meeting, engrossed in some work, etc. can be the commonest reasons to avoid or postponing the evacuation. If it is not a common condition, it streamlines easily. But if it is a habit or a regular feature then one day it becomes a problem.

When we suppress this urge hard, the movements of the large intestine change and they are reversed. Because of that material is pulled inside. Because of the fecal matter remains inside for longer time then the liquid content is reabsorbed more. Then it becomes dry and hard then it becomes an additional problem.

Some drugs reduce secretions in the gut and constipation may be the result. Sometimes you get constipation during fever or immediately after fever. 

Ayurveda clearly instructs that hunger, thirst, sleep, urge for evacuation of bladder and bowels, yawn, vomiting, sneeze, cough and breathlessness after heavy work etc. should never be suppressed.

We will continue the same topic in next post...

Thursday 17 October 2013

Preventive Ayurveda - Constipation

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We are discussing about constipation in this post which is a common complaint in the society. It has no discrimination of country, age, sex, etc. of any sort. Every body including an infant to elderly can have this condition. 
We are thinking in terms of prevention. treatment of constipation in Ayurveda is a separate entity by itself. It is a beginning of most of the conditions. However indigestion or low digestive power is the main cause behind the condition but generally it goes unnoticed and what we first experience is constipation. It can be of two types; it may be with hard stools or may be with sticky stools. Both conditions are the results of irregularities in digestive power. 
If one has constipation he feels sick. He feels down, does not get good appetite. Lack of enthusiasm is there. When this becomes a habit he may complain abdominal pain, acidity, gas, occasional headache etc..Many a times these complaints are treated individually and underlying constipation remains untreated. Generally prescribing laxative is the treatment given to the person. Ayurveda has different way to handle it. But it is always better to get treated at earliest as many a times old complaint is followed by many other complaints like pain in chest (not related to heart), piles or hemorrhoids or fissure due to habit of straining. Sometimes constipation is a cause for burning urination. In short constipation becomes a base for many complaints. 
This condition is a gift of the lifestyle we have. Very rarely there is a problem with the organs involved. We will not discuss any medication here but we will see if it can be prevented.
To be continued in the next post.... preventive measures and some ways out ....

Thursday 10 October 2013

Prevention of Disease: Obey the bioclock

Ayurveda is not limited to the land of India. It is a science of life. It is for all. Many a times we misuse or overuse our potential and we contract some disease. Disease is a disturbed ease-ness of the body and mind. It is very rare to have reason other than what we discussed in earlier posts. Even infections are due to overuse wrong use of the physical and mental capacity. Some strong infections or accidents can still attack the body but it is not very easy if we are following preventive guidelines.

We are writing mainly on preventive aspects of Ayurveda. In future we will discuss the diseases also. All the discussion will be with respect to prevent the disease. When body is disturbed and disease takes over then it is a need of a treatment to reset the system. It is one to one relationship. Certain home remedies can help us in mild situations which we will discuss whenever possible. 

Let me start with a query posted to me by Mr. Noel. His words are, "As far as I know Honey & Lime with warm water if taken daily in the morning will increase ones immunity in the long run. Some comments please"

In Ayurveda very important principle we follow is 'not to heat honey'. So putting honey in warm water is not acceptable as a principle. Lime water in long run gives immunity. Honey may be added when it is at room temperature. So lime in water at room temperature can be taken with honey.

This particular combination may not suit all in all seasons. It can be taken who finds it suitable. We know lemon contains Vit C. It helps in raising immunity. Honey can help in reducing allergic complaints. So one may be helped by this property. I would like to add some (1 teaspoonful) fresh ginger juice, in the combination with many added benefits.

Important suggestion: Take with 25 to 50 ml of water.

One basic principle why we fall sick is, we do not eat what is suitable for the time. It means that we do not eat as per climate of the day. In Ayurveda we follow certain daily natural routine. Let me explain it in details. In early morning say from 3.30 onward up to 7.30 the time is for evacuation of the waste. If we spend this time in bed we may be missing the important natural phenomenon of elimination. In this period, taking warm water helps some people to evacuate easily. If the elimination does not take place in this period then you may get one more opportunity after breakfast. If one holds this too, it is likely to get constipation with a habit. No laxative can cure this condition. You may change doctors or medicines but constipation will persist. 

Waking up late after 7 in morning may not be very good idea if you want to have your routine to be natural. Then indigestion is followed by this forced constipation. Then your appetite is reduced and you start getting different problems.. The daily routine which starts after 7.30 - 8 are likely to have digestion problem in long run. It will be beginning of disturbing the health.