Monday 30 June 2014

Relaxation -3

Relaxation  is a rest. Rest to the mind and body. Relaxation is emptying the mind. It is like overwriting on the same disk. It is not like formatting but rearranging the information.

Nothing happens overnight similarly this process takes some time to show its effectiveness provided you are very consistent in practice. Breathing is subtler and still it can be felt very clearly. It is easy to focus. It is necessary to be in seating posture as it is not active nor very relaxing. Lying down may cause sleep which we do not want at that point of time. You can sit in a chair where feet just touch ground. back must be straight but not stiff. It is explained in previous post but here I want to elaborate it further. After certain period when you are confident that you will not fall asleep then you can do it in lying down posture also. suppose you are bedridden for some ailment, you can follow this simple technique in that positions also. In early stages falling asleep while doing this, is common because your mind starts unloading. During that process tranquility increases. Some times you are disturbed because of the thoughts coming up to the extent you get up from the posture or you just stop following the procedure. This time you have to be patient as this is a transitional phase and one has to pass through. There are ways to deepen the levels but even in this system you can go to deeper levels. They will be explained in later stage.

Some times sitting in one position for longer time is difficult so we can start with 10 minutes twice daily If time and place is fixed it will help more. If you do some yogic exercises or stretching will help us to remain in same position for a longer duration. Then you can do it without a support to the back. But in early stages it helps if take support of a wall or in a chair with back at 90 degrees to the base. These details are necessary in early stages when you are used to the technique you may remain in that state of mind even though you are working or walking or talking without internal disturbances.

But it is a good practice to wash face with natural water and drink after finishing your session. Sometimes you may feel hungry but do not take heavy food. Fruits is the beast choice.

This was all about the technique but it is mandatory to have strength for sitting in a meditative posture for longer duration. For that yogic postures are important. Doing yogic postures correctly will help strengthening body keeping it flexible. Then you can enjoying meditation is easier.
cat pose: pose A and B
Ardha Ahalabhasana
Cat pose which comprises many subpositions out of them these two are important.
Ardha Shalabhasana is also important for strengthening back muscles and improves posture of the body.
Cobra pose also helps neck muscles and back muscles.
Bramha mudra is also an important mudra which can help to improve body posture. There are many postures in Yoga which are helpful but these are the minimum and simplest which we must practice
Bramha mudra
Practicing these posture will help us unloading body-stress and sitting in same position longer will be easy with practice. One must be very regular in the practice this regularity benefits in life. Yogasanas give stability to the mind and body both.

 Unloading body also means reduction in weight. If we are with BMI > 25 we need to think in this direction also. Yoga postures help reducing weight. But burning of calories does not take place during this practice. So program for burning calories must be supplemented carefully. Keeping both the systems will help better. Weight reduction program should done in morning time. Yoga may be done in evening after office hours. It is very important to note that all vigorous exercises should be done in morning and on empty stomach. you can take water sip by sip when you feel it is necessary. doing gym or swimming after food have serious impact on body system it may be explained in details in subsequent posts.

Presently we are discussing unloading mind and body to have better quality of life.