Friday 23 August 2013

Causes of diseases

Non, over or wrong utilization 
of senses

The whole universe is made up of five basic elements, namely Space, Air, Fire, Water and Earth. Our body is made by mother nature having the same elements. Human body has 11 organs altogether. 5 motor organs 5 sensory organs and Mind which co-ordinates the orchestra of the sense and motor organs. Without mind a human body may be in a vegetative state or a nuisance. 

All senses have their limitations. Ears can not decipher decibels less than they are capable of. Similarly louder sound can affect ear apparatus and body system as, say, in an explosion. 
When one tries to hear less audible sound all the time or does not hear at all then it is an under utilizing the ears; in this condition normal hearing may also be a troublesome. Can produce stress over the system. In busy cities we are used to noisy atmosphere. We over utilize the apparatus. Long sound waves produce hazardous effects over long period of time. Stethoscope  and amplifiers are the instruments to amplify sound waves to audible level. In amplifier it is sound which gets modified because of electronic circuitry. So stethoscope and and amplifier both enhance the sound but differently.First does not affect the apparatus but the later can. Apart from hearing low sound or loud sound there can be one more dimension, that is the  duration. For how long you hear sound that is also a factor affecting body. Hearing a note requires at least 20 milliseconds. To decipher two different sounds requires that much of time. 
In short this over or under utilization of the ears can affect ears and the body. Then what is contrary utilization? Hearing unnecessary sounds. Most of harsh sounds and noise by machinery. honking in a traffic jam, quarrels, etc. All these are said to be cause for a disease. 

Touch is another sense which is very important. Skin makes us feel the touch. It is the largest organ in the body. It is modified at different places as per requirement. cheeks are soft and delicate. The skin over palms and feet are different and non hairy. Body skin and over the joints it is modified for a stretch. Heat, cold and pressure are the sensation sensed by skin. It protects body from many hazards and accidents. It also controls the moisture goes out from the skin. Homeostasis is maintained. Body temperature is maintained. All these function if enhanced or reduced than normalcy body equilibrium is disturbed. When the skin touches highly heated object or it remains in a climate which excessively cold. It proves hazardous to the body either because of burn or due losing heat because of excessive cold. 

Similarly all senses have their over utilization, under  or contrary utilization of the sense organs can be considered. 

We will consider motor organs and mind in following posts;

Sunday 18 August 2013

+Reasons of diseases

 Why we have sickness? Can it be prevented?

Our body is made up of five elements, just like the universe. All human beings on this planet have same composition and have similar physiological patterns. Except the normal variations everybody has same organs doing same functions. Still we find every individual is unique yet different. Their health and psychological patterns are different still they have some common links.
All are concerned about their health and always try to prevent an illness. Prevention is always better than cure, wise people always follow this pattern and the same is advised to the followers. Still the when senses demand and cross their limitations the disturbance in the health sets in and it culminates to a disease. There is second reason that is intentional errors. This sounds different isn't it? But we do indulge in this behaviour often and very commonly. Many times we know, for example: I catch cold when I consume curds. But when curds come in a  bowl in front of me then I cannot hold myself back and I take curds to my satisfaction. Soon I find myself sneezing! This is an intentional error leading to a disease. Another reason is the time factor. It may be ageing, may be seasonal change in climate; the time factor plays important role in producing a disease.
These are the most common reasons for producing disease. We can prevent this happening. This art of living healthily, we shall explore in our posts in future. It will contain diseases, remedies, preventive measures, home remedies and much more.

I hope you find this useful.

Moral: Three reasons for illness:
  1. Under utilisation, overusing or contrary utilisation of senses.
  2. Intentional errors
  3. Time
Health Tip:
it is always healthier to be bit hungry than bit full.

Wednesday 14 August 2013

Opening post

Health is a birthright of everyone. All medical disciplines are working for ages. All are useful with their limitations. In this blog we will talk health related issues. Mostly they are with the reference with time tested life-science that is Ayurveda. But we may not be restricted to Ayurveda only. That will depend upon the issue taken for the day. I intend to post the article at least once every week.

Now a days health consciousness is very much there but writing about health issues here can help to have healthier life. All posts will be to lead path towards healthy life. We will discuss yoga, diet and related issues also along with Ayurvedic principles.There is a reason to do like this. Different streams of medicines are the different ways to treat the disease and establishing normalcy of the health. Many authers of the modern times do talk about diet program changing lifestyle etc which was basic principles to treat the patients. Ayurvedic doctors term as ahar and vihar. All these issues are discussed in new books.

I look forward to have comments and suggestions to develop this blog useful in the time to come.

सर्वेपि सुखिनः सन्तु सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः 
सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु मा कश्चित दुःख माप्नुयात 

वन्दे मातरम !